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I've finally started to migrate my website from Joomla to eZ Publish. Joomla is a cool CMS for simple website but it is not robust enough for my needs. As being trained and certified as an eZ Publish developer, I've learned to appreciate the power of this advanced Content Management System coming from Norway.

The first step was to migrate the content, I've now only have to take care of the blog. The music section has been reviewed and I've done an integration of PodOmatic, a free podcast hosting service, using eZ Publish RSS auto-import feature and creating a new content class to auto-generate PodOmatic embedded player.

The eZ Flow extension was also very helpful and saved me hours of development on integrating my Twitter feeds.

I hope this will help boost my blogging frequency on this website.

QH Photography Website and Blog

QH Photography

I discovered eZ Publish CMS when I joined the Energy Saving Trust in 2008. I started to like the concept of this CMS and started to create a separate website for my photography work. eZ Publish made it easy for me to customize and create new features without even touching anything in the database, no need to create new tables or whatsoever everything is managed thru the CMS admin interface by creating new content class for new type of pages.

So here comes QH Photography, my photography website and photography blog.

Well, the car's problem had been fixed! It actually was the vacuum pipe that was broken so air and water got inside!

Right after taking back my Peugeot 205, with some friends of mine, we went to Stratford saying hello to William Shakespear. It is a nice place full of tourists! We took the bus for the tour and only managed to visit 3 places of the tour because of the time we arrived.

Here are some pictures:

Photography by Dudley Williams

Photography by Dudley Williams

Dudley Williams is a landscape photographer based in Hove, in beautiful  Sussex.
His website uses eZ Publish CMS with custom features such as random header image and client portfolio proofing. 
Visit the site here: Photography by Dudley Williams.

Frank Williams Photography

Frank Williams Photography

Frank needed a brand new website easy for him to maintain. This is why I've choosen Joomla to develop his website. Frank's website is now using eZ Publish.

Visit the website here: Frank Williams Photography



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